Links & Resources
Projects and Data-sets:
The AttaQ dataset (HuggingFace)
The ProvoQ dataset (HuggingFace)
Segmented Online handwritten Arabic Letters data-set: link
Tel Aviv University Latex Thesis template (github)
Pre-print Latex style (github)
project-origin an artificial life environment that allows studying the emergence and evolution of intelligence (github)
here is my Ph.D. Research Proposal titled "Neural Correlates of State Representation in the Striatum".
Talks and Presentations:
Introducing Attention Mechanism and Transformer Architecture for Language Modeling. (here)
A talk Presenting LAMBADA (AAAI 2020) at IBM AI Research Lab. (here)
A link to the "git for gits" mini-course. (here)
"The agile way" - A talk I delivered in Hewlett Packard Labs introducing the agile methodology: presentation and talk
A talk about the paper titled "Prediction-Based, Prioritized Market-Share Insight Extraction" (here)
A talk was delivered in 2015 on the "Predictive ALM" project. (here)
A video about the Elysium project. (here)
My Master's thesis Presentation. (here)